π© WTweet condensed info | |
WorldeTweet | WTπ«π·[wordle_fr] 3/6 (len=93) |
tweet | [π«π· palladius] π3 Le Mot (@WordleFR) #30 3/6 .. |
Day | 30 |
π Score | 3 |
Game (new!) | OLD wordle_fr::30 |
Type | π«π· wordle_fr |
Age | about 3 years ago |
Twitter user: 1 @palladius [137 tweets]
id: 3
Twitter id: 1490943978375888900
Full text:
Le Mot (@WordleFR) #30 3/6
#twitterparser #wordle
Stats: {:wordle_tweet=>{:type=>"wordle_fr", :flag=>"π«π·", :score_db=>3, :score_db_s=>"3", :score_calculated=>"3", :day=>"int/30", :length=>93, :valid_for_stats=>true}, :tweet_valid=>true}
JSON stuff: {}
import version: 2
import notes: Now this supports also the timestamp and unique ID of Twitter tweet. Now this has finally LIFE and i can link to original via URL
internal_stuff: TODO mi servira
Timestamps 1 CreadedAt: 2022-02-09 13:44:41 UTC
Timestamps 2 twitter_created_at: 2022-02-08 07:01:59 UTC
Timestamps 3 wordle_date:
ts2 to str: 2022-02-08 07:01:59
Freshness (seconds): 110562.829917sec
Possible Wordle Twitter: WTπ«π·[wordle_fr] 3/6 (len=93)
to_s: WTπ«π·[wordle_fr] 3/6 (len=93)
Twitter user: 1 @palladius [137 tweets]
Wordle type: wordle_fr
Stats: {:type=>"wordle_fr", :flag=>"π«π·", :score_db=>3, :score_db_s=>"3", :score_calculated=>"3", :day=>"int/30", :length=>93, :valid_for_stats=>true}
Tweet: [π«π· palladius] π3 Le Mot (@WordleFR) #30 3/6 ..
Tweet Text: Le Mot (@WordleFR) #30 3/6 β¬π¨π©β¬β¬ β¬π©π©π©π© π©π©π©π©π© https://t.co/nMUiVj3oxS #twitterparser #wordle
Score: 3
Wordle date:
Wordle incremental day: 30
Import version: 3
Import notes: Not sure yet I should be doing it this way..